Sorry! This page is for members only.
To access this page you must be a full member!
To become a member you must join the waitlist and go through the waitlist process. If you are on the waitlist you are NOT yet a member and will not have access to this page until you are a member.
Annual Membership Costs & Fees
Currently Ben Lomond Gun Club is at maximum compacity in regards to membership. We strive to ensure we keep membership numbers within a healthy range so all members can have access and enjoy the range when desired.

Each year we evaluate the numbers and will send membership invitations out those who have been on the waitlist the longest. The invites are first come, first serve and typically done in batches to make things as fair as possible.

Once you receive an invite you will pay your annual membership fee and the one time initiation fee at which point you will be invited to take the mandatory safety course. Once passed you will then be a member and gain your membership ID and gate code so you can enjoy the range.

Thanks for your patience!

~ The Ben Lomond Gun Club Board of Directors
per year + initiation fee
Range Access
Single Member ID Badge
Gate Access Code
Member Only Website Access
First year membership includes a one time non-refundable $100 initiation fee.
per year + initiation fee
Range Access
Multiple Member ID Badge
Gate Access Code
Member Only Website Access
First year membership includes a one time non-refundable $100 initiation fee.
Divider Text
They say 'the more you tell, the more you sell' which is true... but only if people actually read what you write. People read text that's punchy, interesting and helps them make a good buying decision.